Second day
Your workers have harvested all night and you have lots of food. Start by laying thirty workers for harvesting more food and some materials.
Done, 50 workers on the job. But I cannot send more workers collecting !
That's normal ! From the beginning, your hunting field size was 50 cm2, and each worker works on 1cm2. Get rid of the insects that lurk near you.! It starts to get risky, and workers are too scared to adventure out of the anthill. You need an army !
Your ants left to conquer a new territory that's unknown and dangerous. Will they ever come back? ---Suspense Music---
You need to wait to find out!
In the meantime, we will lay the workers who will work on this territory. Queen Page -> 20 workers -> Confirm
How do I know when the hunting is over ?
At the end of the hunt, you will have 1 on the top of the screen, it is a hunting report. Clicking on  takes you to the Mail Box. Click on the title to read the message.
You've got to get your workers to work. On Crops, put 70 workers to harvest food (as much as your Hunting Field). You can also put less and collect materials.
And now what's next ?
Now you know the basics to play Antzzz, and you'll have to continue by yourself... Here's a tip: repeat hunts, and get more and more workers and hunters to be ready to take on other players.
And if you need, there are still plenty of places where you can find help : - At the beginning of the game, you have personal advice in the top left. - La suite de l’Aide explique chaque partie du jeu : Terrain de Chasse, Attaque & Défense... - You can ask your questions to other players on the Antzzz Chat.