What's the aim of the game ?
One year ago, an ant princess has lived up to her successful love season... She ate her own wings, laid her first eggs, and then she shut up herself in her nest to lay peacefully. From that time, her eggs have grown and five workers are at her side.
Now it's you who runs her anthill. What will you do... - Develop the nest peacefully and live in peace? - Search out fights and proclaim war against all nonstop? Anyways, you will not be alone!
So, I should send my workers to harvest ?
Let's start by sending your first 5 workers to work. You'll see. It's really simple.
Open the Crops page (after you click on Anthill) . In the box << Workers harvesting food >> type 5 and click on Confirm.
That's it ! Workers are going to collect food !
You made enough for now, you can have a rest or peacefully visit the website... On their side, workers are going to work hard, and you'll have plenty of resources soon.
Pour la suite, tout est expliqué sur "Deuxième Jour".